想 (xiǎng) to want to
去 (qù) to go 所以 (suǒ yǐ) so, therefore 因为...所以... (yīn wèi... suǒ yǐ...) because... therefore... Sentences:
对 (duì) right; correct
对不对?(duì bú duì?) right or not? 昨天 (zuó tiān) yesterday 今天 (jīn tiān) today 明天 (míng tiān) tomorrow 那 (nà) in that case; then
Verb Objects
看 (kàn) to watch; to look; to read
电视 (diàn shì) television, TV
电影 (diàn yǐng) movie
书 (shū) book
睡觉 (shuì jiào) to sleep [verb object]
打球 (dǎ qiú) to play ball [verb object]
唱歌 (chàng gē) to sing a song [verb object] 跳舞 (tiào wǔ) to jump a dance [i.e. to dance]
听 (tīng) to listen 音乐 (yīn yuè) music
MINIBOSS #1: ACT 1 REVIEWMastery Challenge 1 (Vocabulary and Grammar):
Mastery Challenge 2 (Speaking):