冠军 (guàn jūn) champion; first place in a competition
输 (shū) to lose; to be defeated
赢 (yíng) to win
比分 (bǐ fēn) score
结婚 (jié hūn) to marry; to get married
以来 (yǐ lái) ... since
出现 (chū xiàn) to appear; to arise; to emerge 现象 (xiàn xiàng) phenomenon; appearance
丈夫 (zhàng fū) husband [formal]
妻子 (qī zi) wife [formal]
讨厌 (tǎo yàn) to dislike, to loathe
**Other Words for Husbands and Wives [BONUS]**: **先生 (xiān shēng) husband [neutral] **太太 (tài tai) wife [neutral] **老公 (lǎo gōng) husband [informal] **老婆 (lǎo pó) wife [informal] **媳妇 (xí fu) wife [informal in Northern China] **爱人 (ài rén) lover (in Taiwan); spouse (used Mainland China) |
同工同酬 (tóng gōng tóng chóu) equal pay for equal work
薪水 (xīn shuǐ) salary; pay; wages
市场 (shì chǎng) market
情况 (qíng kuàng) situation; condition; circumstances
逐渐 (zhú jiàn) gradually; little by little
发生 (fā shēng) to occur, to take place
MINIBOSS #3: ACT 3 REVIEWMastery Challenge 1 (Vocabulary and Grammar):
Mastery Challenge 2 (Speaking):